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Wubur Version 1.3.1 Upgrade to 1.4.0 - 4/8/19
As Wubur continues to expand and grow, we always continue to increase our internal offerings to ensure the best experience for our customers. Please review below to go over some of the new features of the Wubur portal.
What's New!
What's New!
- You can now manually increase your credit balance for projects right from your own dashboard. It's located at the top of every page in your portal.
- A new project type has been added that will allow customers to create their own tasks if a positive balance is found to be on their account. Existing project types can be converted to allow this new project type if you so chose.
- contracts now require a physical signature, and can be signed with your finger on mobile, or your mouse on desktop.
- Services has been added to Wubur. Hosting, Maintenance, SEO, and various other services we offer for a monthly fee can be accessed from within your " services " tab located at the top of the navigation bar. you can also access your services page by clicking here :
- Note: Services are on recurring payment schedules. The service can only be active if you have an active credit card on file to be billed each month. SOME project owners wish to have monthly payments made towards their project in order to offset manually logging in and making purchases. If your account does not have this enabled, you can request it be added from your account specialist.
- Wubur Launches Version 2.0 of
- Wubur portal includes more notifications to provide updates to customers about outstanding services, invoices, and projects.
- Task status changes are not enabled to send email to customers again (This was disabled in V1.2.4). If you do not wish to receive notifications for your status changes, you can request that it be disabled.
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