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Wubur Portal Version 1.4.1 7/19/2019
Wubur has recently merged it's non internal API systems for the following.

Additional changes in version 1.4.1
- WuText
- WuPayments
- WuLocal

Additional changes in version 1.4.1
- Api Access for SMS has been integrated
- API Access for Geo-Location Has been integrated
- Api Access for Payments is still in development and not currently live.
- If you equal your available SMS messages or go over, notifications will alert you
- notifications added to notify you when you have reached 80% of your available SMS messages.
- Subscriptions will now allow you to modify your card on file.
- Signing contracts had a bug that would not display the signed name in PDF downloads, this has been corrected.
- Customers can now open their own tasks in projects when enabled
- Credit balances now no longer require you to leave $ off the dollar amount. You can enter $100 or 100 based on preference. Previously, it would only accept 100 with no $ symbol.
- Knowledgebase now allows you to " go back home " without hitting the back button
- Speed improvements and security updates.
- Additional staff can be added without having access to see invoices or other private company information.
- Sub-accounts can not modify company profiles
- Sub-accounts can not create tasks for a company
- Sub-accounts can not change primary account passwords.
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